Friday, May 6, 2011

Bye Bye Osama

Well, well, well ... Bin Laden is dead. Good riddance to him. No-one should shed any tears at the passing of a tyrant. People of all faiths should rejoice that this man who mis-represented Islam is badly is no more. Perhaps we can get a little closer as a result.

However, the practical slant on all of this is that although the notional leader of al-Qaeda is dead, the terror will continue. It's time to steel ourselves for the backlash and hope the balance has been tipped in favour of the fight against terror.

What we all should be worried about is the sheer lack of knowledge of the Pakistani government that Bin Laden was residing in their country, not in some remote mountainous cave but half a mile from their most prestigious military academy in a respectable town an hour's drive from the country's capital!

Talk about exploiting the naivety of an incompetent government! Bin Laden was audicious to the last.

Oh, and Americans jumping for joy, singing and dancing at the news of Bin Laden's death......I understand where you're coming from but probably not the best response, at least not in public.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Americans jumping for joy, singing and dancing at the news of Bin Laden's death......I understand where you're coming from but probably not the best response, at least not in public."

I couldn't agree more. Part of me gets it, but another thinks pulling it back a notch might be a good idea!